Logistics' Role in Enhancing Regional Economic Potential and Competitiveness


  • Davlyatshayev Akmal Ashurmamatovich Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Economics, Oxford University, Oxford, UK


Logistics Companies, Logistics Activities, Logistics Business, Logistics System, Logistics Potential of the region, Logistics Chain, Logistics Methodology


This article explores the economic essence of logistics, its role in enhancing regional economic potential, and its impact on income and profit generation for economic entities. Despite its significance, the integration of logistics processes at the regional level remains under-researched. The study employs deductive and inductive methods, along with factor analysis, to examine logistics' influence on competitiveness and its necessity for interdisciplinary collaboration. Results indicate that logistics optimizes management systems, supports sustainable development, and aligns functional areas within enterprises. Effective logistics management enhances product utility and minimizes costs, contributing to competitive advantages. The study highlights the importance of continuous organizational adaptation to dynamic market conditions, suggesting that logistics is crucial for achieving long-term competitiveness and stability in the market.


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How to Cite

Ashurmamatovich, D. A. . (2024). Logistics’ Role in Enhancing Regional Economic Potential and Competitiveness. Journal of Marketing and Emerging Economics, 4(3), 64–69. Retrieved from https://oajournals.net/index.php/jmee/article/view/2630




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