Enhancing Business Value in Uzbekistan for Market Competitiveness


  • Yakubov Valijon Ganiyevich Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Kirguli, Fargona Viloyati, Uzbekistan


Market Economy, Material Well-being, Business Valuation, Entrepreneurial Activity, Appraiser


This article examines the ongoing economic reforms in our republic, emphasizing the rise of private enterprises and the diversification of ownership forms driven by market economy development. The increased competition among owners highlights the importance of enhancing business value for national companies' competitiveness. We focus on the concept of "business value," analyzing its formation and content. The research aims to define and contextualize business value within the current economic landscape. Utilizing a comprehensive analysis, we found that understanding and increasing business value is crucial for sustaining competitiveness in a market-driven economy. The implications suggest strategic measures for businesses to enhance their real value, contributing to overall economic growth.


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How to Cite

Ganiyevich , Y. V. . (2024). Enhancing Business Value in Uzbekistan for Market Competitiveness. Journal of Marketing and Emerging Economics, 4(3), 50–58. Retrieved from https://oajournals.net/index.php/jmee/article/view/2632




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