Quality of Product size as a Strategy of Design Innovation


  • Dina S, AL-Ghamdi Applied College - Taibah University- Saudi Arabia


This study investigates the effects that product quality and design innovation strategy have on small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). A number of important problems are identified, including a lack of creativity, higher production costs, and copyright issues. The main emphasis is on how improving the shape of a product can increase its marketability and competitiveness through redesigning its design. A mixed-methods approach using factor analysis and surveys is used to evaluate the relationship between innovation strategy and product quality. The results highlight the critical role that strategic design and interdisciplinary collaboration play in enhancing product utility, user engagement, and brand uniqueness. The study's final conclusion is that SMEs can significantly improve their competitiveness by adopting holistic design innovation strategies that address the functional and aesthetic aspects of products. The applications call for the development of conditions that support efficient teamwork, incorporate client feedback, and leverage technology advancements to maintain innovation and market relevance.


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How to Cite

Dina S, AL-Ghamdi. (2024). Quality of Product size as a Strategy of Design Innovation. Journal of Marketing and Emerging Economics, 4(4), 147–152. Retrieved from https://oajournals.net/index.php/jmee/article/view/2658


