Issues of Accounting Transformation Intothe Digital Economy


  • Muxamadjonova Durdona Adashboy Qizi Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Basic Doctoral Student, Fergana.


development strategy, digital economy, information systems, national economy, digital technologies, accounting of economic information, accounting information, financial information


This article explores the transformation of accounting and reporting within the digital economy, aiming to address the challenges faced by accounting in the context of modern digitalization. Innovations in automatic data processing and transmission technologies have recently triggered systemic changes across all sectors, initiating the digital economy's transformation within the accounting departments of enterprises. Despite significant progress, a knowledge gap remains regarding the effective integration of these technologies in accounting practices. This research aims to identify and discuss these challenges, employing a comprehensive review of current practices and technological advancements. The findings reveal substantial improvements in efficiency and accuracy, alongside highlighting areas requiring further development. The implications suggest that continued innovation and adaptation are essential for accounting to fully leverage the benefits of digital transformation.


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How to Cite

Qizi, M. D. A. . (2024). Issues of Accounting Transformation Intothe Digital Economy. Journal of Marketing and Emerging Economics, 4(3), 59–63. Retrieved from




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