Sensitivity Plot of cy:{(m-m^4)*10^(-4)} - Cycle of Money


  • Constantinos Challoumis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece


sensitivity plot, cycle of money, financial liquidity, escape savings


In this work escapes savings rate is much higher than the financial liquidity. The money cycle is being followed by the restructuring of the administrative structure and the application of a public financial administration model. This happens through the velocity of financial liquidity and escape savings. This work has used the sensitivity plot of the cycle of money. The research is part of a series of case studies from the sensitivity plots of the money cycle, cy. It uses mathematical determinations and definitions by the cycle of money but estimates on the first time presented results of sensitivity plot of cy:{(m-m4)*10-4} of the cycle of money in a case study scenario. In this case scenario financial liquidity has magnitudes lower than escape savings.


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How to Cite

Challoumis, C. (2024). Sensitivity Plot of cy:{(m-m^4)*10^(-4)} - Cycle of Money. Journal of Marketing and Emerging Economics, 4(2), 24–35. Retrieved from




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