The Connection of Speaking and Listening Skills in the Process of Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages


  • Ug'iloy J. Bolbekova Department of Language Teaching, Institute of Economics and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


The development of world countries at the global level is inextricably linked with economic, social, political, and cultural awareness. Uzbekistan also realizes this fact and enacts legislations to facilitate foreign language learning among its citizens. This study aims to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of developing speaking and listening skills, as well as the challenges and benefits of integrating them in Uzbekistani classrooms. The study reviews various sources, such as books, articles, reports, and websites, that address the topic from different perspectives and contexts. The study concludes that speaking and listening skills are interrelated and mutually supportive, and that they play a crucial role in enhancing communicative competence and intercultural awareness among foreign language learners. The study also provides some recommendations for teachers and learners on how to foster these skills effectively and efficiently.


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How to Cite

Bolbekova, U. J. (2024). The Connection of Speaking and Listening Skills in the Process of Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages. Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication, 4(1), 47–51. Retrieved from


