The Legal Mechanisms for the Protection of the Cameroon Marine Ecosystem against Pollution


  • Ndeh Bruno Akonteh University of Buea Faculty of Laws and Political Science, Department of English Law


This research aimed at protecting the Cameroon marine ecosystem against pollution with a principal objective to examine how Cameroon effectively protects her Marine ecosystem. Research found that from 1973 which saw the birth of SONARA following a mass discovery of natural oil and gas in the southwest Region of Cameroon, her marine ecosystem had been suffering from serious pollution due to oil extraction and transportation at the Atlantic ocean that extend to Limbe and Douala. Still within the 1970s, many industries were created in her economic capital, most industries had been dumping their waste in river wouri which is also open to the Atlantic Ocean and this has made the Cameroon marine ecosystem to be exposed to pollution and thus calls for special attention. In addition, there is the problem of illegal and unregulated fishing which has a far reaching consequences in the marine environment. This thesis therefore seeks to investigate the problems plaguing the Cameroon marine ecosystem as well as provide possible solutions to remedy the ongoing situation. This researcher employ the qualitative research methodology and the doctrinal method. This thesis is divided in to five chapters as analyzed in the organizational layout. Research reveals that many national laws had been enacted for the proper protection of Cameroon marine ecosystem, even international treaties and conventions had been signed by Cameroon for a proper protection of her marine ecosystem yet her marine ecosystems is still unsafe from the hocks of pollution, illegal fishing and over exploitation of marine living resources. Findings reveal that some of the health challenges suffered today by the population is as a result of the consumption of the polluted marine resources. The researcher hereby recommends the Cameroon government to effectively implement the existing Laws protecting her marine ecosystem. Also, the government should follow-up the disposition of garbage by companies as well as increase the sanctions to defaults who intent to pollute and pay.




How to Cite

Ndeh Bruno Akonteh. (2023). The Legal Mechanisms for the Protection of the Cameroon Marine Ecosystem against Pollution. International Journal of Development and Public Policy, 3(9), 1–24. Retrieved from