Perfection of the Backbone Network of the Central Zone of in Samarkand


  • Madiev Farrukh Muysinovich Scientific seeker, Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan
  • Karimova Zukhra Zokirovna Scientific seeker, Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan
  • Khudayberdiev Aberkul Scientific supervisor Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor, Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan


M-39 highway, overpass, overpasses


before starting to develop measures to improve and improve the trunk network of the central zone of Samarkand, the main network of the center throughout the city should determine the necessary capabilities of the street and road network of the central zone. The road network of the central zone is not able to cope with the traffic load unless measures are taken to redirect transit traffic from the center. the improvement of the conditions for the circulation of automobile flows in the central zone is associated with the redirection of transit transport from it. For the purposes of design and practical application on other densely populated, busy streets of our Republic, the above practical recommendations can be achieved through their implementation.




How to Cite

Muysinovich, M. F. ., Zokirovna, K. Z. ., & Aberkul, K. . (2023). Perfection of the Backbone Network of the Central Zone of in Samarkand. International Journal of Development and Public Policy, 3(3), 5–10. Retrieved from


